Begin Again

Mindfulness Behind Bars Program

Our Begin Again Mindfulness Program Teachers

(L to R) Carlos Figueroa, Tracy Astorino, Katie Hupp, Kyle Sorys. Not pictured: Anne Savery

This project was born from our desire to bring mindfulness practices to underserved populations in the community. In 2018, we pitched the idea to the Director of Corrections and Rehabilitation Services Administrator at the Douglas County Department of Corrections (DCDC). The topic of mindfulness intrigued them both enough to refer us to the Corrections Reentry Services Manager. She readily embraced the need for such a class in the Reentry Program.

Nearly a year and many phone calls, emails, and meetings later, we were cleared to attend the volunteer orientation (the joke in these circles is that it’s just about as difficult to get in as it is to get out!). Finally, in January 2019, we launched our first series of 4-week classes in both the Women’s and the Men’s units within the Reentry Program.  In both, we meet once a week for 1 ½ hours per session and award Certificates of Completion in the final session. In January 2024, we marked our five-year anniversary as a program.  We are beyond grateful to have had grants from the Sherwood Foundation and other generous individuals that continue to support our work and mission.

The ultimate objective is to provide structured integration into the community with opportunities for participants to obtain employment, education, and treatment.  Our curriculum seeks to support this goal by introducing the practice of mindfulness and covering these related topics:  meditation, self-compassion, empathy, mindful communication, emotional intelligence, and gratitude.

As teachers, we approach our students compassionately and respectfully as human beings who are not defined by their mistakes.  We hope to create a safe space for learning and reflecting and to offer insight and practices that will positively impact the choices they make going forward, both while still incarcerated and once released.  We conclude each 4-week session by sharing a list of resources and assuring our students that Flatwater Collective and various other local mindfulness providers will be there for them on the outside with resources for maintaining and deepening their practice.